For Families
Resources & Links
Title I / Family Engagement
Parent's Right to Know
August 8, 2024
In compliance with the requirements of the Every Students Succeeds Act, Eastbrook Middle School would like to inform you that you may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s) and/ or paraprofessional(s). The following information may be requested:
- Whether the student’s teacher…
- has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
- is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and
- is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
- Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
If you wish to request information concerning your child’s teacher’s and/or paraprofessional’s qualifications, please contact Principal Tracie Dempsey at (706) 278-6135.
Title I Information and Documents
To find information pertaining to all things Title I related, please click the link below to access Eastbrook's Title I website. There you will find our parent compacts, engagement policy, school improvement plan, and information about our annual Title I meeting (all in English and Spanish).
Eastbrook Middle School Annual School Report Card
The Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) prepares Georgia's State, Local and School Annual Report Cards. The Annual Report Cards contain test results as well as other information relevant to school performance toward the goals of student achievement and school completion. The Report Card is in compliance with both state and federal laws with respect to reporting requirements. GOSA partners with the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) to produce the K-12 Public Schools Reports since much of the data comes from GaDOE.
Title III Information
Title III (ESOL) Information & Resources
Please use the links to access information pertaining to our Title III program, which serves our amazing English Language Learner students.
Título III (ESOL) Información y Recursos
Por favor utilice los enlaces para acceder a información relacionada con nuestro programa del Título III, el cual sirve a nuestros increíbles estudiantes Aprendices del Idioma Inglés.
23-24 Title III Annual Meeting
Our annual Title III meeting took place on September 26th. If you were unable to attend, please use the link titled "Title III / ESOL Parent Meeting" to view the presentation at your own pace or use the video links to view the narrated presentation. Once you have viewed it, please click the link titled "Title III Sign-in Sheet" to acknowledge your participation. Thank you!
23-24 Reunión Anual del Título III
Nuestra Reunión Anual del Título III se llevó a cabo el 26 de septiembre. Si usted no pudo asistir, por favor utilice el enlace titulado "Reunión de padres de Título III/ESOL" para ver la presentación a su propio ritmo o utilice los enlaces del vídeo para ver la presentación narrada. Una vez que lo haya visto, presione en el enlace titulado "Hoja de registro del Título III" para reconocer su participación. ¡Gracias!